The Majoris Inclusive School is a morning program which incorporates all the essentials of a mainstream school. IEPs are made for each student who has a different need and is taught according to their strengths and areas where they need individualized assistance. Mainstream and different needs students are both encouraged to work together. Teenager classes are also held which are taught by Sir Wajih Ahmed who improvises on innovative teaching methods and makes learning an out of the box experience.


The Majoris Inclusive School is a morning program which incorporates all the essentials of a mainstream school. IEPs are made for each student who has a different need and is taught according to their strengths and areas where they need individualized assistance. Mainstream and different needs students are both encouraged to work together. Teenager classes are also held which are taught by Sir Wajih Ahmed who improvises on innovative teaching methods and makes learning an out of the box experience.


A programme devised to increase awareness in parents about the psychological aspect of neurodiversity. Senior Psychologist Raazieh Fatima holds sessions with parents to inform and keep them updated with the latest scientific research and strategies that they can apply while working with their own child at home.


A 1 hour session with Senior Psychologist which includes a history intake as well as an observation of the student to see which in-depth evaluations should be suggested.


A 1 hour session with Senior Psychologist which includes a history intake as well as an observation of the student to see which in-depth evaluations should be suggested.


A psychoeducational evaluation, sometimes referred to as a psych-ed eval or neuropsych, is an assessment of how a student learns. It measures different types of reasoning, memory, and working efficiency. This is in contrast to learned knowledge, like math facts or vocabulary definitions.

Pyscho-educational evaluations are most commonly recommended for students who are either gifted or having difficulty in school. However, the information in a psychoeducational evaluation is great for every student.

Psychoeducational evaluations vary according to the age of the child and the goal.An evaluation consists of at least 3 international tests which have been approved and are used by the American Psychiatric Association and is carried out by our experienced Clinical Psychologist at The Majoris Inclusive Centre.
An evaluation takes 3 to 5 hours depending on the level of competence of the child. It is held over 3 sessions of which 1 is held with the child at the centre. The other 2 sessions can be held in person or online and consists of international tests based on many sub domains including intellectual ability, behaviour patterns, independent functioning and other daily living skills.
After the evaluation process is complete, a report is issued which includes results of the tests, it’s implications and recommendations.


Every month workshops and trainings for parents and teachers are held to spread awareness and to train parents on specific topics to help them use therapy techniques at home.


Every month workshops and trainings for parents and teachers are held to spread awareness and to train parents on specific topics to help them use therapy techniques at home.


1. Remedial Therapy It is a multifaceted approach, tailoring remedial intervention plans to a child’s specific needs. It makes use of one-on-one instruction, small group instruction, written work, verbal work and computer-based work. Remedial Therapy focuses on skills rather than on content.
The therapy provided uses behavior teaching methods, which have clearly defined goals and strategies and is tailored and customized to each child’s specific needs. Within the therapy sessions, children are involved in individual / group activities, gross motor and fine motor activities which are scheduled to form a part of and into the child’s daily routine.

2. Speech therapy techniques are used to improve communication. These include articulation therapy, language intervention activities, and others depending on the type of speech or language disorder.

3. Behavior Therapy is used to help children with autism achieve positive results with their social and maladaptive behaviors. It uses an environment that is structured and organized at all times. In addition, activities are predictably sequenced and visually organized to enhance the environment for the child. Children proceed to practice activities and skills in a specific fashion. Outcomes are more positive when the parents are taught to use a similar method at home which is done in parent counselling sessions.

4. Occupational Therapy & ADL Occupational therapy (OT) helps people work on cognitive, physical, social, and motor skills. The goal is to improve everyday skills which allow people to become more independent and participate in a wide range of activities.
For people with autism, OT programs often focus on play skills, learning strategies, and self-care. OT strategies can also help to manage sensory issues.
The occupational therapist will begin by evaluating the person’s current level of ability. The evaluation looks at several areas, including how the person:
• Learns
• Plays
• Cares for themselves
• Interacts with their environment
The evaluation will also identify any obstacles that prevent the person from participating in any typical day-to-day activities.
Based on this evaluation, the therapist creates goals and strategies that will allow the person to work on key skills. Some examples of common goals include:
• Independent dressing
• Eating
• Grooming
• Using the bathroom
• Fine motor skills like writing, coloring, and cutting with scissors
Occupational therapy usually involves half-hour to one-hour sessions. The number of sessions per week is based on individual needs.

5. Play & Art Therapy The Majoris Inclusive Centre offers play therapy to children who’ve been diagnosed with ASD. Play therapy can improve their social and emotional skills, help them think in different ways, increase their language or communication skills, and expand the ways they play with toys and relate to other people.
Children with ASD can benefit from play therapy methods as early intervention.